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Open Thread Anyone?

JomiraJomira Member
edited October 2014 in General
Hey all! It's been mighty quiet around these parts, so I thought I'd suggest we all get in on an open thread together. I figure we could all come up with an event together and have something to liven the place up that doesn't depend on specific player-to-player scheduling or mess with the canons we've got going in other threads? Post any suggestions if you'd like to do this! I have some pending threads already, but I'm also open to more one-on-one threads with others so long as they take place before Roalis 17th! :D


  • rillanirillani Administrator
    Yeah I'd love an open thread!  Umbida's pretty busy, but there's always npcs!
  • Hurray! Any ideas for an event/plot? Admittedly, I'm a little sleep-deprived and short on idea generation mojo (all that's being sucked out by my illustration classes). x____x 
  • rillanirillani Administrator
    Maybe just a thing in a marketplace, and we can see where it goes from there?
  • Yeah, that sounds cool! Should I start it or should an *official NPC* start it? c:
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