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Eirlys Ela Rahidk

MochiMochi Member, Moderator
edited August 2014 in Character Sheets
Full Name: Eirlys Ela Rahidk (usually goes by Liss)
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Wick

Place of Origin: Mugroba (nomadic Bethaj)
Current Occupation: Tailor, shopkeeper

Bio: Eirlys Erole had a fairly standard Wick childhood. She was born into a small tribe of Bethaj wicks as they traveled through the countryside exchanging goods. She was named for a pleasant young human girl whose father helped the tribe after one of their boats was damaged. As a small child she was quite precocious and often got into fights with other children. Her parents were killed by the Mugrobi Plague when Liss was only 11, which also claimed the lives of several other members of their small tribe. In the following years she began to drift away from her tribe, feeling lost and disconnected after the deaths of her parents.

When she was 14, she made the decision to drift. Shortly after, she found she had an uncanny gift for relieving people of the contents of their pockets without them noticing, and thus began her life as a pickpocket. She traveled from place to place in Mugroba before bartering passage on a small spice boat and moving to Anaxas.

Once in Anaxas, she continued her trend of moving from place to place, pick-pocketing all the while, and eventually found herself in Vienda. While in Vienda, she fell in with a group of street urchins who took to calling her Cat due to her lithe appearance, yellow eyes, and ability to move about without being heard and seemingly vanish into shadows and crowds. A mere few months after settling in with the street urchins, she was caught up in a document check. Not having a writ of residence or the ability to obtain one, she was forced out of the city along with many other nomadic wicks.

She shortly found herself in Old Rose, just after the fires. There, she continued her trend of pick-pocketing until she met the boy who would later become her husband. Tjen Rahidk gave her a place to stay and a modest wage in exchange for her helping to mind his clothing stall in the market. Eventually the two fell in love, and have been together ever since. When the revolution in Anaxas was beginning to be more of a real issue than just something limited to the streets of Vienda, Tjen and Liss made the decision to sell off all of their stock cheaply, and used the resulting money to travel to Mugroba. There, they worked hard and managed to scrimp and save enough to open a small shop attached to a small house, where they currently live and work as tailors.

The pair are now properly, happily married and have a two-year-old son by the name of Rajel, and another child on the way. Eirlys works to help Tjen in the shop part of the day, and with his help, keeps the books at night.

Current Goals: Eirlys mainly wants to see their shop do well, and to raise their small family in the best conditions possible.

Personality: Liss was a very outspoken child, precocious and quick to take offense. She was much the same as a teen, but love and motherhood have softened her personality a fair bit. She is still very feisty, however, and is quick to give her husband a piece of her mind whenever it’s warranted, and sometimes when it isn’t. In the past few years she has managed to overcome serious trust issues and settle down. She is a very kind woman behind her outspoken exterior, and has been known to offer a helping hand to anyone who needs it. She is also a hard worker both in their shop and in the home, even in her pregnant state. She is also proud of how far she's come, and it tends to show in how she acts and carries herself.

As a young child she fell into a river and nearly drowned, and since has been afraid of water and cannot swim. She is usually alright on boats. As far as her magical abilities go, she is trained in some simple spells but her knowledge is lacking. She learned to sew from Tjen and helps with simple jobs and mending.

Physical: Liss is about average height for a Mugrobi wick. She has filled out some with her pregnancies and her now-stable living situation, going from rail thin to a bit softer around her bust, hips, and belly.  She has chocolate skin and black hair which has been grown long and put into small braids, which she then tends to put into a ponytail or tie back on themselves. The only thing about her that isn't dark in colour is her sunflower yellow eyes, a trait which contributed to her childhood nickname of “Cat”. She tends to dress in traditional Mugrobi fashion, generally in shades of purple, though she has been known to wear pinks and oranges as well. A large number of the dresses she wears were made for her by her husband, and she is quick to say so if asked. She has a large tattoo of a stylized fish that spans from her right shoulder blade down along her arm to the elbow, which was apparently the symbol her tribe would paint on their boats and sails. Other tattoos include the date of her wedding and the date of her son’s birth along smaller fish on her back, close to the larger fish, and a black and grey half-sleeve of  flowers along her left arm. She also wears a gold arm band that once belonged to her mother,  and has a small gold ring in her left nostril, which she has had since she was a little girl.


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